So confused auspicious time Mahinda Rajapaksa said head can splash strange reason

kel; wjq,a ksid uyskao rdcmlaI fj,djg ysif;,a .dkak nE lshmq wuq;= fya;=j - ùäfhda
kel; 10'41g jqKdg 1g ysi f;,a .d,d

w¨‍;a wjqreÿ ksudj;a iuÕska wo Èkfha ysif;,a .Efï kel; fh§ ;snqfKa WoEik 10'41g niakdysr n,df.khs' w¨‍;a wjqreÿ ieurE ish¿fokd fuu kel;g wkqj ysif;,a .Eu isÿl<;a ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI tu pdß;%h isÿlf<a kele;a fj,dj miqùfuka wk;=rejhs'

Tyq fï ms<sn|j wo uykqjr o<od ud< je|mqod .ekSug meñ‚ wjia:dfõ§o mejiQ w;r Tyq jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfha kelf;a hï fodaIhla we;s njg Tyq msßila mejiQ njhs'

ta ksidfjka kel; miqù tkï oj,a 12ka miqj ;uka ysif;,a .Efï pdß;%h bgq lrk njhs Tyq mejiqfõ' uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ld,h mqrd kele;a wkqj ish lghq;= isÿlsÍu ksidfjka ckdêm;sjrKh mjd merÿKq njg ue;sweu;sjre /ila md¾,sfïka;=fõ fukau foaYmd,k fõÈldj,o woyia olajñka mjid isáhd'

fï kel; iïnkaOfhka Tyq oelajQ woyia''''

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